Searching for a wig? No need to keep looking! - Ottawa-Gatineau - Health services, beauty services, Ottawa-Gatineau - 1487669


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Searching for a wig? No need to keep looking! - Health services, beauty services

Ref. number: 1487669 Updated: 08-09-2013 06:57

Offering: Health services, beauty services in Canada, Ottawa-Gatineau

Are you bored of your hair? Is your hair too hard to manage? Are you loosing your hair? Or do you simply want a new hair accessory? Visit Perruques de Qualités today and choose from our wide variety of wigs. We have everything from high end wigs, wigs with lace fronts, synthetic wigs, and brand name ones too!

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Contact information
First name: Laurie
Last name: Brown
Phone number: 1-877-676-7337
Mobile number: 514-907-3322
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