If you or anyone in your family identifies with any of the following allergy related maladies such as Asthma, Eczema, Hay Fever, Bronchitis, Inflammation of the Mucous Membranes, Itchy Red Eyes, Headaches, Sinus Pain, Fatigue, early morning fits of excessive sneezing, even a feeling of depression when you wake up, you may well be sleeping with the enemy. Who is this enemy? He's called a dust mite and we'll spare you trying to remember or even pronounce the scientific name. Dust mites live in household articles, such as furniture and carpets. Millions may inhabit one home, but they are invisible to the human eye. The dust mite feeds on shed dead skin cells. The faeces and dead bodies of mites are allergens to susceptible people, causing asthma, rhinitis or dermatitis.
Our Mattress Cleaning Process
Step 1. Remove Dust Mites, Dust mite droppings and other Debris
We extensively vacuum your mattress with our highly efficient hospital grade HEPA filter vacuum cleaner which removes 99.9% dust, dust mites and other allergens
Step 2. Use an Anti Allergen product in our vapour machine
Hypo-Allergenic- Designed for safe use around individuals who suffer from asthma, allergens or chemical sensitivities
Environmentally friendly and does not contain pesticides, perfumes, solvents, Volatile Organic Compounds(VOCs) or other hazardous ingredients
Derived from plans and completely non-toxic to humans, animals and plants
Step 3. Apply Allergy Relief Treatment
Allergy Relief Treatment contains a powerful active ingredient derived from naturally occurring extracts found in certain fruit and vegetable seeds
Hypo-Allergenic, non toxic and readily biodegradable. Does not contain pesticides, perfumes or other hazardous ingredients
Provides a residual effect for up to 6 months
Why Clean Your Mattress
A clean and sanitized mattress can
Improve your sleep, leaving you feeling fresh and revitalised in the morning
Help reduce the severity and frequency of asthma, eczema, bronchitis, rhinitis, itchy eyes and a blocked nose
Our special plant based Allergy Relief Treatment can reduce the level of dust mite and pet allergens by 90% or more
Prolong the life of your mattress