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Results found: 200 | 1-30 | 31-60 | 61-90 | 91-120 | 121-150 | 151-180 | 181-200 |
Would you like to help someone who is ill?
19-06-2022 19:26 Price: 8 CAD $
Offering: Books for sale, Used books for sale, Magazines for sale in Canada, Ottawa-Gatineau ... View detailed ...
Would you like to help someone who is ill?

How can you or anyone recover faster from an injury? When faced with the illness or injury of a friend or family member, we’d all like to help bring them some relief. Contained in this booklet are techniques for you to do just that. They are called “assists” and they are easy to learn and simple to do, and give very real results.

Why is Scientology a religion and what are its historical antecedents?
19-06-2022 19:26
Offering: Education, training, lessons in Canada, Ottawa-Gatineau ... View detailed ...
Why is Scientology a religion and what are its historical antecedents?

This booklet provides that answer and many more, including information on L. Ron Hubbard's quest to apply Western scientific methodology to the field of religion, extending back to its earliest origins in the East. Here, too, is a description of the Scientology path to spiritual enlightenment and freedom.

Given up on your dreams?
19-06-2022 19:24 Price: 8 CAD $
Offering: Books for sale, Used books for sale, Magazines for sale in Canada, Ottawa-Gatineau ... View detailed ...
Given up on your dreams?

Do you make big plans but then seem unable to follow them through? What’s the first step to reaching your goal? Do you know what you want but don’t know how to get it? Conceiving a goal is not difficult to do. Most of us have no shortage of hopes and ambitions, and indeed these are the stuff of life.

Withdrawing from life?
16-06-2022 20:22 Price: 8 CAD $
Offering: Books for sale, Used books for sale, Magazines for sale in Canada, Ottawa-Gatineau ... View detailed ...
Withdrawing from life?

Why do you walk away from people you once loved? Do the dishonest things you've done in your life still haunt you? If you’ve ever been let down suddenly by someone you trusted, if you’ve felt the sting of infidelity committed by someone you loved, if you’ve been ripped off by an underhanded tradesman, then you know the pain and cost of dealing with dishonesty.

Anxious about world conditions?
16-06-2022 20:21 Price: 8 CAD $
Offering: Education, training, lessons in Canada, Ottawa-Gatineau ... View detailed ...
Anxious about world conditions?

Do you find yourself becoming disturbed by what is happening around you? Do you feel helpless and unable to control these events? Do you even sometimes feel afraid? A prime example is how channels inundate society with a flood of news on the latest war, mayhem and crime, no matter how distant. By understanding why certain individuals pump as much threat and danger into the world as they can, you'll understand how to overcome your fears.

Frustrated by failures?
16-06-2022 20:19 Price: 8 CAD $
Offering: Books for sale, Used books for sale, Magazines for sale in Canada, Ottawa-Gatineau ... View detailed ...
Frustrated by failures?

When things go wrong, are you left wondering why? Would you like to get to the bottom of why things aren’t going right? Is your success or failure just “dumb luck”? Pick up a newspaper and you will find different explanations by corporate executives and political leaders as to why a company’s stock fell or political initiatives misfired.

Trouble communicating?
16-06-2022 20:18 Price: 8 CAD $
Offering: Education, training, lessons in Canada, Ottawa-Gatineau ... View detailed ...
Trouble communicating?

Do you ever feel like you're talking but no one is listening? Do you have trouble getting your ideas across to others? Communication skills are essential to everything we do in life. In fact, when all is said and done, on whatever level, communication is the one activity all people share. The benefits of effective communication are too numerous to list, for it enhances all aspects of life from the personal to the professional.

How to Resolve Conflicts?
07-06-2022 21:22 Price: 8 CAD $
Offering: Books for sale, Used books for sale, Magazines for sale in Canada, Ottawa-Gatineau ... View detailed ...
How to Resolve Conflicts?

This booklet shows how to effectively help others resolve their differences and restore peaceable relations, whether in the workplace or the home. There is a reason for conflicts between people and here one discovers what it is and how to use that knowledge. Conflicts are so commonplace in the world today that most people take for granted that’s the way life is supposed to be.

How to Use Dianetics Blu-Ray & DVD
07-06-2022 21:20 Price: 39 CAD $
Offering: Books for sale, Used books for sale, Magazines for sale in Canada, Ottawa-Gatineau ... View detailed ...
How to Use Dianetics Blu-Ray & DVD

How to Use Dianetics is not only a visual guide to the human mind, but it includes the principles and procedures used by millions world over to attain a state dreamed of by Man throughout the ages—a state known as Clear. This film presentation is based on and serves as a companion to the book, Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health.

The Way To Happiness book
07-06-2022 21:18 Price: 27 CAD $
Offering: Books for sale, Used books for sale, Magazines for sale in Canada, Ottawa-Gatineau ... View detailed ...
The Way To Happiness book

Learn how to be happy with The Way To Happiness. A non-religious personal moral code of ethics that helps people lead happy, healthy lives. The choice of actions and decisions requires skill and wisdom, not just self-interest or just group interest. Containing 21 precepts, The Way to Happiness helps guide one in those choices encountered in life.

What can you do so your marriage lasts?
07-06-2022 21:17 Price: 63 CAD $
Offering: Education, training, lessons in Canada, Ottawa-Gatineau ... View detailed ...
What can you do so your marriage lasts?

What does a happy relationship depend on? And what elements keep it alive and rewarding? Marriages outnumber divorces, but the gap is closing. Indeed, many of the troubles in society stem from broken marriages, but you can prevent yours from ever going downhill. The basic laws of life apply to marriage.

Isn’t it odd that no one taught us how to study?
06-06-2022 17:50 Price: 8 CAD $
Offering: Books for sale, Used books for sale, Magazines for sale in Canada, Ottawa-Gatineau ... View detailed ...
Isn’t it odd that no one taught us how to study?

The information in this booklet can help anyone improve his or her ability to learn. You’ll learn the barriers that lie between you and your education. And you will learn how to overcome them. This technology will enable you to pursue any subject with skill and confidence. Order your copy.

What is Public Relations?
06-06-2022 17:49 Price: 8 CAD $
Offering: Books for sale, Used books for sale, Magazines for sale in Canada, Ottawa-Gatineau ... View detailed ...
What is Public Relations?

Public relations provides the means to communicate your ideas and get them accepted—a skill vitally necessary when dealing with new ideas. It is a way to gain support for your projects and endeavors. Generally considered a method to gain publicity, public relations has previously been subjected to severe limitations.

How do you predict people's behaviour?
06-06-2022 17:48 Price: 8 CAD $
Offering: Education, training, lessons in Canada, Ottawa-Gatineau ... View detailed ...
How do you predict people's behaviour?

How much greater would be our chances of success if we could predict whether someone we meet will turn out honest or dishonest? Maybe you use hard-won experience or you listen to your “gut feelings” about a person. But either one is hit-or-miss at best. Using the Emotional Tone Scale as laid out in this booklet you can accurately estimate the conduct, reactions and ethical standards of those you meet.

Acquire organizational genius...
06-06-2022 17:47 Price: 63 CAD $
Offering: Education, training, lessons in Canada, Ottawa-Gatineau ... View detailed ...
Acquire organizational genius...

We all recognize that if things were better organized, people would be better off. Organization is a key and often missing factor in personal success. It is also essential for a family or group. Attaining one’s goals—no matter how large or small—requires a know-how of organizing. The Scientology Tools to Organize for Success Course shows you how to manage your time most efficiently and how to put your activities in a logical sequence so you get things done.

Make your dreams come true...
04-06-2022 20:30 Price: 63 CAD $
Offering: Education, training, lessons in Canada, Ottawa-Gatineau ... View detailed ...
Make your dreams come true...

Without goals and aspirations you can feel lost in life. People who are not actively working to achieve an objective are unhappy. They are subject to all the stress of modern living. Yet all too often, people set goals and, despite making an effort, fail to attain them. Why is this? What is the solution? The Setting and Achieving Your Goals Course answers these questions.

How can I accomplish more?
04-06-2022 20:29 Price: 63 CAD $
Offering: Education, training, lessons in Canada, Ottawa-Gatineau ... View detailed ...
How can I accomplish more?

To accomplish your goals, you need personal drive—and active doing. You have to overcome barriers and keep moving forward. Success, therefore, requires personal motivation. So why do we often procrastinate? And sometimes end up doing nothing? Why do we occasionally delay some trivial thing that then develops into a crisis? The How to Get Motivated Course answers these questions.

Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health Audiobook
04-06-2022 20:24 Price: 57.75 CAD $
Offering: Books for sale, Used books for sale, Magazines for sale in Canada, Ottawa-Gatineau ... View detailed ...
Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health Audiobook

Here is L. Ron Hubbard’s landmark book presenting his discovery of the reactive mind that underlies and enslaves Man. It’s the source of nightmares, unreasonable fears, upsets and insecurity. And here is the way to get rid of it and achieve the long sought goal of Clear. This is the complete handbook of Dianetics procedure and, with it, any two reasonably intelligent people can break the chains that have held them prisoner to the upsets and trauma of the past.

The Dianetics Extension Course
04-06-2022 20:22 Price: 36.65 CAD $
Offering: Education, training, lessons in Canada, Ottawa-Gatineau ... View detailed ...
The Dianetics Extension Course

Study the owner’s manual for the mind. This home-study course takes you through the breakthroughs of Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health. You will read the book and do practical drills to assist you in learning the exact anatomy of and handling for the reactive mind—the single source of your unhappiness, stress and insecurity.

Dianetics: The Original Thesis
04-06-2022 20:20 Price: 27 CAD $
Offering: Books for sale, Used books for sale, Magazines for sale in Canada, Ottawa-Gatineau ... View detailed ...
Dianetics: The Original Thesis

Mr. Hubbard’s first description of Dianetics. Originally circulated in manuscript form, it was soon copied and passed from hand to hand. Ensuing word of mouth created such demand for more information, he concluded the only way to answer the inquiries was with a book. That book was Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, now the all-time self-help bestseller.

03-06-2022 00:25 Price: 27 CAD $
Offering: Books for sale, Used books for sale, Magazines for sale in Canada, Ottawa-Gatineau ... View detailed ...

This is the story of how Mr. Hubbard discovered the reactive mind and developed the procedures to get rid of it. Originally written for a national magazine—published to coincide with the release of Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health—it started a wildfire movement virtually overnight upon that book’s publication.

Tired or drained of energy for no apparent reason?
03-06-2022 00:21 Price: 27 CAD $
Offering: Books for sale, Used books for sale, Magazines for sale in Canada, Ottawa-Gatineau ... View detailed ...
Tired or drained of energy for no apparent reason?

Do you feel less alert and aware than you used to? Wooden or even lifeless? Our brand new edition of Clear Body, Clear Mind contains the solution. The truth is, our world is swimming in toxic substances: recreational and pharmaceutical drugs, pollutants, household chemicals, food preservatives and on and on.

Do you really know yourself?
03-06-2022 00:20 Price: 27 CAD $
Offering: Books for sale, Used books for sale, Magazines for sale in Canada, Ottawa-Gatineau ... View detailed ...
Do you really know yourself?

Now you can, with Self Analysis. This book will take you through your past, your potentials, your life. First, with a series of self-examinations and using a special version of the Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation, you plot yourself on the Tone Scale. Then, applying a series of light, yet powerful processes, you embark on the great adventure of self-discovery.

Contact an Auditor
03-06-2022 00:13
Offering: Education, training, lessons in Canada, Ottawa-Gatineau ... View detailed ...
     Contact an Auditor

Dianetics Centers and Dianetics Auditors* exist all over the world. They offer introductory services and can help you begin your journey, or get you started on the adventure of Dianetics. Please be sure to enter your name, ZIP code and email address so that we can locate the Dianetics Center or Dianetics Auditor nearest you, and can reply to your message.

One day up ... the next day down?
01-06-2022 20:31 Price: 63 CAD $
Offering: Education, training, lessons in Canada, Ottawa-Gatineau ... View detailed ...
One day up ... the next day down?

When you suddenly start making mistakes, it is caused by something. When you feel happy and, for no apparent reason, suddenly start feeling down, somebody made this happen. There are specific types of personality—those who wish people well and those who are ill-intentioned. If you have experienced a roller coaster of emotion or ups and downs in your life, someone around you could be suppressing you—squashing you or trying to make you smaller.

Is there a way to go from stress to success?
01-06-2022 20:27 Price: 63 CAD $
Offering: Education, training, lessons in Canada, Ottawa-Gatineau ... View detailed ...
Is there a way to go from stress to success?

Is your life afflicted by the stresses and strains of financial emergencies? If you are ending up with your attention on “finance” rather than living your life to the fullest, this course will give you tools that set you on the road of survival and happiness. The Scientology Tools for Overcoming Financial Stress Course shows you how to take control of and effectively handle a financial crisis, small or seemingly large.

What is the key to your security?
01-06-2022 20:18 Price: 63 CAD $
Offering: Education, training, lessons in Canada, Ottawa-Gatineau ... View detailed ...
What is the key to your security?

There is an answer to achieving all you want out of life. There is a way to unfetter yourself from the travails of managing your affairs and handling the tribulations associated with rising costs. After all, your own happiness and spiritual pursuits depend on it. When you know how, you can proof yourself against financial concerns.

Do you want to live a full and happy life and be free?
01-06-2022 19:34 Price: 63 CAD $
Offering: Education, training, lessons in Canada, Ottawa-Gatineau ... View detailed ...
Do you want to live a full and happy life and be free?

A greater abundance makes life less stressful and more satisfying. But how do you get there? The answers lie in basic natural laws, and the Scientology Principles of Prosperity Course gives you the laws that make it possible to be prosperous, which then allows you to succeed as an individual. Your survival is important to you, your family and those who depend on you.

Creating a Successful Marriage Course
01-06-2022 19:34 Price: 63 CAD $
Offering: Education, training, lessons in Canada, Ottawa-Gatineau ... View detailed ...
Creating a Successful Marriage Course

To begin a voyage as important as marriage, there are things you need to know. Then you can chart your course. Any successful marriage is built upon basic principles. If you also have the tools for difficulties in a marriage—and know how to use them—you can establish a happy union that lasts a lifetime.

Create harmony with tweens and teens
01-06-2022 19:33 Price: 63 CAD $
Offering: Education, training, lessons in Canada, Ottawa-Gatineau ... View detailed ...
Create harmony with tweens and teens

Raising your tweens and teens does not have to be a struggle. It can be one of your most rewarding experiences. But since children do not come with a manual, the question remains: How? How can you best help them grow into happy, upstanding citizens operating on their own initiative? Learn the basic principles of raising tweens and teens.

Results found: 200 | 1-30 | 31-60 | 61-90 | 91-120 | 121-150 | 151-180 | 181-200 |

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